
not really magic

Sunday 27 February 2011

Is anybody there? Knock once for Yes, twice for No!

I’ve worked in or with the media all my life - journalism, PR, marketing.  I’m based in England but know the world pretty well. It’s a nice place, despite everything you read in the papers! You’ll see from my first entry the direction I would like the blog to go in. But this is a democracy – one blog, one vote. Let’s see how it works out ...

I never thought much about the philosophy of communication until the e-revolution came along and changed everything. Now there are vast opportunities to communicate, but few certainties and a lot of questions. I originally intended this blog to be about marketing, because marketing is at the root of so much in western society. And it’s a great industry to be involved with! 

But let’s not stop there ... let it be about everything to do with the way we communicate with each other. Let’s look for answers to the big questions. Perhaps the biggest is this: has unlimited freedom of expression, courtesy of the web, made us all free to say what we want, or is it an illusion? Are we all quietly conning ourselves because actually no-one out there is listening?